Inspired by Canary Island Pine tree bark

FireCellCoat is a research project selected for funding by the Bio Economy in the North from the first call for project proposals. The aim of the FireCellCoat project is to develop a bio-based, wood coating, resistant to fire, using innovative routes and novel materials. The concept draws inspiration from the Canarian pine bark, which can withstand wildfires, leaving the tree unharmed.

What we stand for

FireCellCoat develops bio-inspired, fire resistant wood coatings based on high consistency microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) that protects wood-based building products in interior and exterior applications. The coatings potentially have lower environmental impacts and lower or equal life cycle costs compared to conventional fire resistant coatings. Additionally, they fulfil the technical requirements for interior wall paints and exterior wood coatings.

FireCellCoat’s approach to construct a novel fire-resistant structure draws inspiration from Canary pine bark architecture and chemistry – nature’s outstanding solution against fire. By designing a similar type of macro-scaled multilayer structure we will develop a wood coating that delays ignition and fire propagation. To achieve this, MFC is used in combination with inorganic components. This is complemented by a chemical approach involving copolymerization techniques to protect the fire-retardant material against leaching from the coatings. The coating can be applied by spray or brush and is well suited for improving the fire properties of wood-based materials as it reduces the access of oxygen to the surface, thus significantly inhibiting combustion.


Partners: Fraunhofer WKI, NTI Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology, 
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, TEKNOS (industrial partner) 
Countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway 
Duration: 2020-2022 
Total budget: 1259 k€

Latest from Progress and News

FireCellCoat Project is coming to completion. We have asked the partners about their experience in the project and their thoughts about future possibilities that this project has enabled. What were the benefits of the collaboration within the project? Could it be improved somehow? Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, WKI For us, one of the main…

FireCellCoat meets in Oslo

After more than two years of travel restrictions, the FireCellCoat project team was finally able to meet in in person in Oslo on August 26th, kindly hosted by Treteknisk. This was only the second time that a face-to-face meeting was possible, after the kick-off meeting in January 2020. Fortunately, all project partners, including Fraunhofer WKI,…

Upcoming event: Woodcoatings Congress 2022

FireCellCoat project would like to recommend this upcoming event that focuses on new technical developments in formulating, testing and applying coatings for interior and exterior wood applications. Dates: 8-9 November 2022. Place: Amsterdam.

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